Premium feature

Define minimum spending on charges

Take control of your billing process by establishing minimum spending limits for charges. With our platform, you can easily define the minimum amount customers must meet for a usage-based component.

Define the minimum amount to spend for a specific charge

Enhance your profitability by defining a minimum spending threshold for specific charges. With this strategic approach, you ensure the collection of expected revenue, maximizing your financial outcomes. Take control of your earnings by defining minimums on charges.

True-up fee to meet spending minimums

Lago invoices a true-up fee in case the spending minimum has not been met, allowing you to bridge the gap and meet your desired revenue goals. Stay in control of your finances and guarantee adherence to minimum spending requirements.

Top-tier companies support Lago

Focus on building, not billing

Whether you choose premium or host the open-source version, you'll never worry about billing again.

Lago Premium

The optimal solution for teams with control and flexibility.


Lago Open Source

The optimal solution for small projects.
