
New updates and improvements to Lago.

API changes (v1.7.0)

As announced a few months ago, we have updated the event ingestion process and removed deprecated API fields. Changes include:

1. Replacing groups with filters

The new dimension system based on filters allows users to create billable metrics with more than two dimensions, and makes it easier to create charges based on custom event properties. The old dimension system based on groups has been permanently removed from the Lago API (see all changes).

2. Marking ​​<text-code>external­_subscription­_id​​­<text-code> as mandatory for events

Events that only include ​<text-code>external­_customer­_id<text-code>​ are no longer taken into account when aggregating usage (learn more). This change will streamline the event validation process and enable real-time billing capabilities.

3. Removing deprecated API fields

For the sake of clarity and to preserve the quality of the API, we've deprecated several legacy fields (see full list).

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